Artificial intelligence is being used in just about every industry these days, and not only has it become a popular and useful tool in marketing, it’s also creating brand-new opportunities for personalised marketing.

Programmes that are powered by AI are able to analyse vast amounts of data relating to consumer behaviour, and using predictive analytics, it can make educated guesses on what you’re interested in and what you’re most likely to purchase. In fact, in some cases, AI technology is so advanced that it may even know what you’re going to buy before you’re aware of it.

Being able to use AI in this way has given businesses the opportunity to completely transform their approach to marketing, allowing them to create targetted campaigns that speak directly to individual customers regarding exactly what they want.

Understandably, however, one aspect of the AI discussion is always ethics and concerns over the use of personalised marketing. Thus, it’s not a simple discussion.


Ways In Which AI Contributes to Personalised Marketing


Not only does AI contribute to personalised marketing, it does so in several different ways, from predictive analytics to personalised emails and communication.


Advanced Data Analysis and Customer Insights


AI programmes have the ability to process big data in a way that humans can’t, including things like browsing history, activity on social media and purchasing behaviour.

This can be done to create detail profiles on customers, helping employees better understand general and specific customer preferences, allowing them to tailor marketing messages directly according to customer needs.



Predictive Analytics


By analysing big data on customers’ previous behaviour and preferences, AI used predictive analytics to forecast future behaviour.

Depending on the company, this may include predicting what customers may be keen on purchasing, which gives marketers the opportunity to send out relevant recommendations.


Dynamic Content Offers


With AI, companies can make use of real-time personalisation tools by adjusting website content, adverts and email offers according to customers’ profiles. For instance, on e-commerce websites, different products will be displayed to different customers based on their interests and previous interactions.


The Use of Chat Bots in Customer Service


The use of AI-powered chatbots is nothing new – in fact, it may have been one of the first major ways in which AI was used in the workplace – but it’s super handy is providing personalised responses and support based on specific inquiries. And, it can do it in real time.

This helps improve customer engagement because not only can that chatbots respond immediately, but they can also tilor product recommendations and service offerings to specific clients during these interactions.


Programmatic Advertising


Marketing departments can fully optimise digital ads by selecting the right audience segments and bidding strategist in order to make sure that the ads are being seen by the most suitable users, increasing the likelihood of interactions being converted to sales.


Personalised Emails


With AI software, companies can optimise email campaigns by analysing a variety of data including user interactions, click-through rate and open rates in order to send super personalised content that is tailored to the preferences of the individuals in question.


Mapping of Customers’ Journeys


AI can track customers’ journeys with the company not only really quickly, but also in a far more detailed way than humans can (unless they had loads of time). It can do so across several different platforms and touchpoints, making the customers’ experience far more personalised and consistent.


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