The project, expected to take around five years, will transform Millcroft Road in the town by demolishing Blocks C, D and E, all six or seven storeys in height and constructed in 1967.

The high density flats, in multiple private ownerships, have fallen into severe disrepair over the years resulting in very poor living conditions, while the common areas and walkways are also prone to vandalism and fly tipping.

READ MORE: Plans proceed for major regeneration project tearing down 169 flats

Last year the council made a compulsory purchase order and this process is ongoing.

It intends to replace the existing flats with a total of 72 new properties in the form of six blocks of up to five storeys.

64 of the new flats will be two-bedroomed flats while eight will also be two-bedroomed but designed specifically for wheelchair access and resemble other social housing developments in North Lanarkshire with their brown brick construction with dark window frames, doors and concrete roof tiles.

The regeneration of the area will also see the removal of high-level walkways in favour of improved footpaths and a speed table introduced to maintain road safety., while landscaping will also be upgraded.

The council received a single letter of objection to its proposals, calling for the addition of a play area, a T-junction and improved street lighting.

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Council officers responded to these points by saying the existing nearby play area has recently been upgraded, the roads department was satisfied with the current layout and that the plans include new lighting.

The council’s planning committee thereby complied with the recommendation to grant the application subject to a list of 19 conditions.

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