Residents and businesses have been urged to give their views on a new neighbourhood plan for the marina, as well as the nearby Gas Works site and Black Rock.

A draft of the neighbourhood plan details a range of development proposals to be completed by 2030, including 1,938 residential units, leisure, employment and retail space, a community building and a health facility.

A primary school or an increase in the number of school places within or in the vicinity of the marina is also included in the plan.

Proposals outline the provision for mixed-use development at the inner harbour at Brighton Marina, “comprising a minimum of 1,000 additional residential units” alongside shops, leisure and recreation space and community facilities, including a health facility and community centre.

For the Gas Works site, a minimum of 85 residential units are planned, along with business space, while more leisure space is planned for the Black Rock site.

A six-week consultation on the plans, which were prepared by the Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Forum, has now opened.

The forum is the third local group in Brighton and Hove to submit its neighbourhood plan, with referendums taking place in the Hove Station area and Rottingdean Parish neighbourhood on their plans on February 9.

Councillor Alan Robins, chairman of the culture, heritage, sport, tourism and economic development committee for Brighton and Hove City Council, said: “Once approved, the plan will be used to help decide the outcome of planning applications in the area.

“We hope that as many residents and local businesses as possible will help shape the future of their community by taking part.”

More information, including all the consultation documents, and how to submit comments online can be found on the council’s website.

Those who cannot access the consultation portal can email comments to A Word version of the response form is available on request.

Hard copies of the Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Plan are available at Whitehawk Library, Rottingdean Library, Jubilee Library and the Brighton Customer Service Centre in Bathlomew House, Bartholomew Square.

The deadline for comments is 11.59pm on March 18.

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