Ofsted inspectors visited High Cliff Academy in Southdown Road, Newhaven, which was rated outstanding in 2018.

However, after this latest ungraded inspection in November last year, Ofsted said that the school might not be rated as high if a graded inspection was performed.

This means that their next inspection will be graded.

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According to Ofsted, the school, which teaches children between the ages of three and 11, is “welcoming and inclusive” to everyone.

The Ofsted report read: “Staff are committed to improving the life chances of all pupils.

“These aspirations are reflected in an ambitious curriculum and a sharp focus on personal development throughout school life.

“From nursery to the end of year 6, pupils are supported well with their learning.

“Those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive the extra help they need to experience the same rich opportunities as everyone else.”

The inspectors also found that bullying was rare and that students feel “safe and happy”.

However, despite the praise the school received, the report did highlight areas that need improving.

This includes some areas of the curriculum that are not always taught clearly, and student behaviour.

The report read: “An increasing minority of pupils do not attend or behave as well as they should.

“This impacts on their learning and sometimes causes upset or frustration to other pupils.

“The school should continue to ensure that its work to support this small group of pupils leads to further improvements in their behaviour and attendance.”

Inspectors said that this was since the Covid-19 pandemic.

The primary school, which is part of the STEP Academies Trust, is currently led by headteacher Carla Botting.

A spokesman for the school, said: “We were pleased to welcome Ofsted to the school at the end of the autumn term.

“As part of the ungraded inspection, Ofsted commended the school, highlighting that we are ‘ambitious for pupils to receive a high-quality education’, and suggested ‘the curriculum has been ordered logically to ensure pupils build knowledge over time.

“In all subjects, careful thought has been given to the important knowledge that pupils should learn’.

“Ofsted also recognised the school is calm and orderly, and pupils enjoy coming to ‘this welcoming and inclusive school’.

“Pupils also reported they can always talk to a trusted adult in the school if they have any concerns, which helps them feel safe and happy in school.

“Furthermore, Ofsted recognised teachers’ good subject knowledge and the effective support to pupils with SEND, whose needs are identified quickly.

“We continue to work tirelessly to address key areas, such as curriculum design and attendance. In particular, we are implementing a new attendance policy, including new processes to address persistent absence.

“This is having positive results and is preventing pupils from slipping under the good attendance threshold.

“We continue to strengthen the curriculum that is currently in place at the school through a constant process of review at both academy and trust level to ensure that all pupils succeed in this stage of their education and beyond.”  

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