Have you ever really thought about how much of your information is available online? Using the Internet has been integrated into almost every part of our daily lives. It’s no wonder then that cybercrime is so prevalent.

One easy example would be social media. Most people use social platforms to connect with others and share bits and pieces of their lives. Perhaps a luxury holiday, or buying a new home or car. It may seem harmless, but social media accounts give cybercriminals an inside look into your life.

From your accounts, they are presented with a wealth of information to build a profile about you. Which city you live in, which car you drive, your local food spots. This makes it easier for identity theft, among other cybercrimes.

Another example would be online banking websites or apps. These are an easy way for you to transact and manage your finances conveniently, but so much of your personal data is on there. If it was accessed by the wrong person, the impact could be detrimental.

Basic security measures such as strong passwords or two-factor authentication aren’t always enough for online security, especially as cybercrime tactics have become more advanced.

Using an antivirus software adds an extra layer of protection, and offers peace of mind when interacting digitally.


How Does Antivirus Software Work?


Antivirus software is downloaded onto your devices to monitor activity and detect any suspicious behaviour. It continuously scans downloads, apps and websites for any viruses, malware, trojans or ransomware.

If one is detected, it will either alert you or remove the file completely to protect your device. The software works by using these processes:


Signature-Based Detection


Every virus has its own code unique to it, which differentiates it from others and is known as ‘signatures.’ These signatures are compiled into a database with all of the known viruses that exist.

When the antivirus software scans a new file or download, it is checked against the database to see if any matches are picked up. If there is a match, the software will flag the file or delete it.


Firewall Integration


Firewalls are used to monitor Internet traffic for suspicious activity, and are often built into antivirus systems. They essentially act as a barrier between your device and the Internet for protection. Moreover, it can prevent any malware from spreading.


Behavioural Monitoring


Antivirus software keeps track of how apps act when installed on your device to detect strange activity. This can range from attempting to encrypt files or access system settings.

When this occurs, the antivirus software will flag it as suspicious and potentially harmful to your device.


Real-Time Detection


Any files, programs or downloads are scanned by antivirus software in real-time. This proactive approach allows for threats to be detected quicker before they infiltrate the device’s systems and cause any real damage.

This is particularly useful if you often need to download files or e-mail attachments.



How Your Online Privacy Can Be Protected


According to Cybercrew, only 58% of the UK population use an antivirus software which leaves almost half of the population vulnerable. 

Cybercrime has increased yearly, and is expected to continue to rise in the coming years. By having an antivirus software, your online privacy is secured from any potential threats.


It Prevents Identity Theft


The National Crime Agency found that 40% of crime in the UK is fraud-related. In 2023, more than 69,000 causes of identity theft were reported. Having your personal information available online makes it far easier for cybercriminals to find and use for fraudulent purposes.

With antivirus software constantly scanning for out-of-the-ordinary activity, the likelihood of having your identity stolen is largely reduced. Some advanced software will even scan the dark web to see if your information has been compromised, and will notify you if it has.


It Promotes Safe Browsing


You may not realise it, but when you browse websites online, you leave behind a ‘digital footprint.’ This can be tracked by cybercriminals to find out more about you, or access your data.

Most antivirus programs will have secure browsing features to prevent your online activity from being tracked or accessed without your permission.


Passwords Are Protected


If a password is used too many times, or is too weak, it can become a security threat. However, antivirus software has password features that will generate unique options for you as well as store them securely.

If there is a password breach, it is less likely that yours will be compromised and your information will remain secure.


Data Is Encrypted


Encrypting a file is a way of securing it to prevent unauthorised access. Most antivirus software will have this feature available for you to encrypt any sensitive files that you need on your devices.

If hackers did manage to access your device, they can’t retrieve the information that is encrypted.

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