Spotify is expanding its horizons with a new test in Sweden that integrates emergency alerts into its streaming app, traditionally known for music, podcasts, and audiobooks. Code references found within the Spotify app indicate that the company is exploring a system for distributing public announcements related to “accidents, serious events, or disruptions of important services.”

TechCrunch confirmed the test with Spotify, though the company did not elaborate on its motivations. There is no legal requirement in Sweden for Spotify to implement such a feature, and the company stated that it is currently only assessing the feasibility of supporting an emergency alert system.

The feature was first identified by technologist and reverse engineer Chris Messina. He speculated that an emergency alert service could encourage Spotify users to enable app notifications, which are often disabled for non-essential apps, making it harder for the app to engage users and promote new features.

Broadly, supporting emergency alerts could enhance Spotify’s role as a crucial app, aligning it with services offered by Meta, which has provided disaster updates through its Safety Check feature for nearly a decade. Similarly, Google uses its app’s popularity to deliver earthquake alerts on Android. In the U.S., lawmakers have considered mandating online video and streaming apps to support emergency alerts, akin to requirements for TV and radio broadcasters and cable TV systems.

Code references in Spotify’s app mention the feature with phrases such as:
– “Emergency alerts in Sweden”
– “Receive public emergency alerts”
– “Important public announcement, IPA, is the system used to alert the public in Sweden in the case of accidents, serious events, or disruptions of important services”
– “Visit the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency site for more information”

A Spotify representative confirmed the test, stating that it is currently limited to Sweden. “At Spotify, we routinely conduct a number of tests in an effort to improve our user experience,” they said. “Some of those tests end up paving the way for our broader user experience while most serve only as an important learning.”
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