Matty Sheldrick passed away at the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton several weeks after being admitted to its emergency department in November 2022.

Residing in Hove, Matty endured over three weeks in the emergency department due to a lack of available mental health beds. Concerns were raised by his family regarding the actions and inactions of University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust and Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, which manage the hospital and mental health liaison services, respectively.

During the inquest, Matty’s mother, Shelagh Sheldrick, emotionally conveyed that Matty was a compassionate, bright, creative soul who concealed his despair. She expressed profound heartbreak over his suffering and their loss.

Originally from Surrey, Matty relocated to Hove in 2021 with his beloved dog, Lola, who provided him constant companionship and emotional support. Shelagh Sheldrick emphasized Lola’s role in Matty’s social interactions within the local community.

Matty, 29, was a student of social sciences at the Open University, a guitarist, spoken word performer, and commissioned artist. His struggles with anxiety and depression began in 2013 and culminated tragically in his death outside the hospital shortly after being discharged following a mental health assessment.

The inquest highlighted concerns over the adequacy of mental health services, with observations that Matty felt dismissed and mistreated by healthcare professionals. Dr. Robert Sparks, an independent mental health doctor, described the mental health services as being in crisis, citing a lack of available beds.

Throughout his ordeal, Matty’s family observed a decline in his mental health, exacerbated by his experiences within the healthcare system. Despite seeking help, Matty’s tragic death underscores the challenges and inadequacies within mental health care provision.

The inquest, overseen by Senior Coroner Penelope Schofield in Horsham, continues with further proceedings expected to conclude in August.

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