This common allergy, often causing coughing, itchy eyes and sneezing can be a massive bug bear for sufferers, hindering their sleep quality and having an overall negative impact on how they feel day to day.

Also known as allergic rhinitis, hay fever occurs when the body reacts to histamine, a substance released in response to allergens such as tree pollen and grass pollen.

To help tackle the problem, Melissa Denham from Hammonds Furniture offers her expert advice on how to hay fever-proof your bedroom.

Top tips to keep your bedroom hay fever free

Keep Your Furniture Dust Free

For those that suffer with summertime allergies, dusty furniture can be a major trigger.

Unfortunately, standard dusters are often not efficient in collecting dust, as they brush the dust from one area to another one only.

Instead, use a microfiber cloth to wipe along all surfaces of your furniture before putting the cloth through a hot wash cycle.

Repeat this weekly, ensuring you clean hard-to-reach areas as well as surface tops.

Be Cautious of Open Windows

When it comes to coping with hay fever, finding the correct balance between welcoming fresh air into your room and limiting pollen exposure can be tricky.

While keeping windows shut is the ideal solution, it can be challenging in warmer weather. To control the amount of pollen entering your room, consider strategically opening windows during periods of lower pollen concentration, such as in the evening or at night.

Keep a Pet-Free Bedroom

Snuggling up with your pet in bed might be hard to resist, but if you’re dealing with allergies like hay fever, it’s worth rethinking.

As your immune system copes with seasonal triggers like pollen, having your furry friend around can worsen your symptoms.

Even if they don’t sleep directly on the bed with you, their presence in your room during the day could lead to nighttime discomfort as their fur clings onto pollen from the outside air.

Vacuum Carpets Daily

During hay fever season, it’s surprising the kinds of irritants and allergens that can sneak into your carpet, and with each footstep on your carpet or rug, those pesky pollen particles settle deeper into the fibres.

Frequent vacuuming, even daily in severe cases, can help ease the symptoms of hay fever.

Wash Your Hair Before Bed

Throughout the day, pollen easily latches onto your hair, particularly for those with longer locks.

To help prevent the transfer of pollen onto pillows amplifying hay fever symptoms during sleep, it’s worth upping your hair washing ritual during the warmer months. By cleansing your hair before bed and keeping it tied in a bobble to sleep, you can rid yourself of accumulated pollen, limiting potential irritation and discomfort caused by allergens.

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