Every Parent Teacher Association plays a valuable role in raising money for the school. PTA fundraising efforts provide access to resources that would otherwise be unavailable. These resources can enrich lessons and provide new learning and play opportunities for all pupils. When you think of it like this, it is surprising that not all parents are keen to get involved.

We know that everyone leads a busy life and it can feel like there is not enough time to help out. Sometimes parents are fearful that if they offer a little, they might get dragged in and expected to do far more than intended. Other parents may not feel that they have the necessary skills to contribute, but everyone can play a role!

Tell your PTA story

One way to make you PTA more approachable (and boost parental involvement) is to share the story of some of those who help out. Use the newsletter or a social media group to introduce individuals. As well as key players, such as the Chair, you might focus on some who play a smaller role. How about a grandparent who bakes cakes for refreshment stands or a dad who helps set up the marquees?

The story can focus on how they help, why they chose to get involved in the PTA and what they get out of participation. It could include their/their child’s favourite fundraising event and you could drop in how much was raised at the event they supported.

Examples of ‘Meet the PTA’ Stories

It need not be lengthy or share personal details, but simply showcase a range of PTA supporters. How about something along these lines?

“Hello! I’m the mother of a child in Year 4. I decided to get involved in the PTA because it gives me a chance to meet other parents – our monthly meeting is a fun, social event! I enjoy creative activities, so I offered to design posters for PTA events. My employer even agreed to let me print copies at work. It is also great to know that doing something I enjoy will contribute towards new sports equipment, which I know my child will love.”

“Hi, I’m Jack’s Grandad. I pick him up from school once a week and saw the PTA were looking for volunteers. I helped run the plant stall at the school fete. Thanks to some green-fingered pupils, we raised £63.00 that day.”

Follow up with a Call to Action

These stories may encourage curiosity and you want to make the most of an opportunity to bring more parents on board. This could be an open invitation to the next PTA meeting; provide details of when and where this is being held.

Another option is to list some of the skills and support needed for an upcoming event. The event could require people who can help prepare resources, give their time on the day, assist with clearing up or donate prizes.

As a final point, remind parents of low-involvement options –

‘Yr. 6 parents, don’t forget to get to complete and return the leaver hoodies form before Friday.’

‘Pre-loved books and uniform can be dropped off in the school hall on Tuesday next week.’

‘Do you enjoy baking? If so, we would love to sell your cakes at the parents evening refreshment stall! All donations to be brought to the library on Monday, thank you.’

Parent Involvement and Fundraising Goals

We hope that sharing a story will make the PTA more approachable, increasing parent (and possibly grandparent) involvement. When more people take part, no one has to take on more than they wish and reaching the fundraising target is achievable.

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