If you’re still up for getting out and about, you might be wondering when you will be contagious and when you’ll be able to enjoy the company of family and friends without spreading your germs.

This is how you can reduce the risk of spreading your cold to the people around you.

When is a cold infectious to other people?

The NHS website says a person who has a cold is infectious until they no longer have symptoms – usually around one to two weeks.

A person who has a cold can be contagious for one to two weeks (Image: Getty Images)

Viruses cause colds and they spread easily to other people.

Colds are also spread via germs when someone coughs or sneezes and these germs can live on surfaces as well as hands for 24 hours.

To reduce the risk of spreading a cold, the NHS advises that you:

  • Use warm water and soap to wash your hands often
  • Trap germs in tissues when you cough or sneeze
  • Put used tissues in the bin as soon as possible

How to prevent catching a cold

If you’ve not come down with a cold yet but want to know how to prevent one, the NHS has shared how to do just that.

People who have a cold can start spreading it a few days before their first symptom is noticed.

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They can be contagious until their symptoms have fully gone.

Here are some tips for preventing a cold:

  • Use soap and warm water to wash your hands
  • Avoid sharing towels or household items like cups with someone who is suffering with a cold
  • Don’t touch your nose and eyes in case you’ve come into contact with the virus as this can infect your body
  • Stay fit and healthy

More information about common colds can be found via the NHS website.

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