When I was 10 I lived in Lavender Street, and just up the road there’s was a Fyffes banana depot.
Two mates and me, periodically, used to go up there and shout a few things at the men and, although they knew what we were up to, they still threw a few green bananas to us.
This particular day, when we went up there they were especially nice to us.
One asked if we wanted some yellow bananas; obviously we all shouted: “Yes please!”
He gave me a shoebox and said: “Don’t open it until you get home.”
Straight down to my house, I told my mum and she said she’d open it.
I put it on the table and she undid the string.
When she opened it, you’ve never seen three kids and an adult move so fast in all your life!
There was a huge, hairy bird-eating spider in the box!
Of course it was dead, but we weren’t to know that, were we?
Gave the depot a miss for a few weeks!
Happy days!
Harry Atkins
Hornby Road
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