Wunderbar, which also has premises just off Buchanan Street, popular with footballers and celebrities, is seeking to take over property adjacent to its new pub.
One year ago, the Wunderbar owners revealed they would be opening a second venue in the city located in the West End.
The new bar opened in June last year taking over the premises, close to the Kelvingrove Art Galleries and the Kelvin Hall, which has been the site of a bar or club under various names and owners for decades.
(Image: Robert Perry)
The beer garden to the east side of the bar building has already been operating in the months since the new pub opened.
Now the firm that owns the bar is seeking to take over ownership of the land and continue to use it as a beer garden.
City Property is asking councillors to give approval for it to negotiate the sale of the land to Hegarty Investment Company Limited, the owners of the bar.
The council has ownership of the land which also includes air rights because it was once the site of. Now demolished, council owner tenement flats.
The pub owners are asking for the removal of the air rights exceptions and to purchase the land.
The additional area of land which the adjoining owner wishes to purchase for the use of a beer garden, in accordance with adjoining public house.