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Who left The Traitors tonight? 2 more contestants eliminated

The end of episode six ended on a cliffhanger as BBC viewers now have to wait until next week to see if either Fozia or Leon would be the next to leave the series, thanks to a secret task by the Traitors.

But earlier on, the Traitors (Linda and Minah) decided to ‘murder’ Livi who was a Faithful.

Meanwhile, Dan then found himself to be banished at the roundtable, due to Minah’s clever tricks.

Who left The Traitors last night?

Tensions continued to rise in The Traitors castle on Thursday (January 9) after another Faithful was banished from the game.

Fingers were pointed at barber Tyler, Anglican priest Lisa and student Freddie during a heated debate at the roundtable in yesterday’s as the contestants tried to decipher who the remaining Traitors in the competition.

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Leaving the castle with nine votes, Armani shared: “I have had the best time, I would not have chosen to be any different because it’s genuinely just who I am. Genuinely so grateful for the time, you guys are all amazing, I love you all, I am a traitor.”

Her announcement prompted cheers from the rest of the group.

The Traitors airs on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays on BBC One and iPlayer at 9pm.

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