The show began on New Year’s Day and has already seen four contestants eliminated, including one who never even made it to the Scottish castle.
The Traitors is described as a test of deception, as players must work together to eliminate traitors in the hopes that only the faithful will win the prize pot.
But if a traitor wins, they get all the cash, and the remaining faithful are left with nothing at the end of the show.
The Tratiors began with 25 contestants which has since seen six leave by banishment or ‘murder’.
Who left The Traitors in episode 4 on January 8?
The Traitors murdered full-time mum Maia in a shock to fellow players.
Maia’s ‘murder’ came the morning after her sister, Armani was banished following a dramatic roundtable when it was revealed Armani was a traitor.
Sharing why they murdered Maia, tratior Linda said: “She’s not going to get banned.”
Reacting to her murder, Maia said: “They banished my sister and now they’re killing me.”
At the roundtable, the player who was banished was Kas after he received the most votes.
Speaking to his fellow players, Kas said: “It’s been fantastic. And you’re all fantastic people.”
Reacting to Kas’s exit, one BBC viewer said: “Aww I’m gutted that Kas I has been banished.”
When was The Traitors filmed? Former contestant reveals all
Who has left The Traitors series 3 so far? All contestants
The Traitors player angered and says ‘I’m not having it’
Who has left The Traitors series 3 so far?
- Jack – decided to leave the train in episode one
- Yin (Faithful) – ‘murdered’ in episode one
- Nathan (Faithful) – banished in episode two
- Keith (Faithful) – ‘murdered’ in episode two
- Elen (Faithful) – banished in episode two
- Armani (Traitor) – banished in episode three
- Maia (Faithful) – ‘murdered- in episode four
The Traitors airs Wednesday to Friday at 9pm on BBC One and BBC iPlayer.