The show began on New Year’s Day and has already seen four contestants eliminated, including three who never even made it to the Scottish castle.
The Traitors is described as a test of deception, as players must work together to eliminate traitors in the hopes that only the faithful will win the prize pot.
But if a traitor wins, they get all the cash, and the remaining faithful are left with nothing at the end of the show.
The original 25 contestants became 21 when four players were eliminated, as Jack, Alexander and Fozia left the train to the castle for the other players to make it.
@bbc When #TheTraitors is on, keep it zipped 🤐 #ThisIsOurBBC #SomethingForAllOfUs #Traitors #ClaudiaWinkleman ♬ original sound – BBC
Communication scientist Yin became the first murder victim of The Traitors, sharing that she was “half in denial” over her departure from the show.
Although the viewers were able to find out who was murdered overnight, they were left waiting to find out who was banished in a classic BBC cliffhanger.
The second episode of the third series offers three exits in one very tense night.
Who left The Traitors on January 2?
The first contestant to be banished from The Traitors following the first roundtable was 39-year-old Nathan, a Property Consultant from London.
It was a close vote between faithful Nathan and secret traitor Linda, but in the end, Nathan was voted out amid concerns he was a ‘game player’.
At night, the three traitors decided to murder 65-year-old window cleaner Keith from Bournemouth when they thought it would ‘shock’ the group and upset players.
Reflecting on why he thought he was murdered, Keith said that the “traitors thought that I was a threat.”
The third person to be eliminated from the second episode was translator Elen from Cardiff who was banished after an emotional round table.
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Who are The Traitors so far?
The traitors sometimes recruit new people from the faithful and they can also get banished so it’s likely the group will change as the series continues.
But for now, the traitors are 70-year-old retired opera singer Linda, 29-year-old call centre manager Minah and 27-year-old financial investigator Armani.