Emergency services sealed off a road after concerns a car had damaged a gas container.
Police, fire crews and paramedics were called to the single-car collision in Wayfield Road, Chatham, shortly before 2.30pm today.

One person, understood to be a woman, was treated at the scene before being taken to hospital.
The road was closed after concerns were raised about a gas container being struck by the car.
The crash is understood to have happened between temporary traffic lights where emergency repairs and gas main work are ongoing.
These works are impacting traffic both ways near Street End Road and are scheduled to be completed on Tuesday, January 7.
A police spokesman said: “We assisted the fire service and other partner agencies following concerns a one-car collision had damaged a gas container in Wayfield Road, Chatham, at 2.22pm today.
“No serious injuries were reported.”
An ambulance spokesman added: “One person was assessed and treated at the scene before being taken to Medway Maritime Hospital.”
SGN spokesman Dan Brown says workers have been repairing the gas network this evening after a car collided with substation infrastructure.
“Our engineers carried out maintenance to the substation and completed a series of checks to make sure the surrounding area was safe,” he said.
“This work has now finished and we have since left the site.”