Two of them are expected to cause moderate delays – with drivers facing waits of between 10 and 30 minutes.
National Highways is responsible for maintaining motorways and major A-roads, so closures of smaller roads will not be included in their schedule.
Here is the full list of upcoming closures:
• A282, from 10pm December 2 to 5.30am December 20, moderate delays (10-30 minutes): A282 northbound, West Tunnel closure, carriageway and slip road closure for tunnel works, diversion via National Highways roads.
• A2, from 8pm December 9 to 6am December 11, slight delays (under 10 minutes): A2 both directions Ebbsfleet, Lane closure for drainage works.
• A282, from 10pm December 9 to 6am December 14, slight delays (under 10 minutes): M25 clockwise, junction 30 to junction 1A, Lane closure for caballing works.
• A282, from 10pm December 14 to 5am December 15, slight delays (under 10 minutes): A282 northbound, Dartford Crossing West Tunnel, Tunnel closure for maintenance works, diversion via National Highways network.
• A282, from 10pm December 15 to 5am December 16, slight delays (under 10 minutes): A282 northbound, Dartford Crossing East Tunnel, Tunnel closure for maintenance works, diversion via National Highways network.
• A282, from 10.30pm December 15 to 5.30am December 16, slight delays (under 10 minutes): A282 northbound, junction 3 to junction Darford crossing, Lane closure for sign works.
• A282, from 10.30pm December 15 to 5.30am December 16, slight delays (under 10 minutes): A282 southbound, junction QE11 Bridge to junction 1B, Lane closure for sign works.
• A282, from 10pm December 16 to 5.30am December 18, moderate delays (10-30 minutes): M25 Anticlockwise, junction 3 to junction Darenth and A282 northbound, junction Darenth to junction 1A, Lane and slip road closure for sign works, diversion via National Highways.