A drunk Tesco worker attacked three of his friends after he was asked to leave their home following a lewd comment to a female pal.
Alex Vance, who admits he gets violent after binge drinking sessions, had been out in Rochester when he bumped into some old friends.

The 30-year-old was invited back to their home, also in the town, for more drinks after their night out came to an end.
But after downing more alcohol he then made an inappropriate sexual comment to one of the women in his company.
When he was asked to leave, he hit one woman in the head multiple times, punched a man in the face and pushed another woman’s head back as she tried to break up the fracas.
The violent incident happened on April 16 last year, and a court heard he assaulted Dennis Cree, Wendy Barnard and Melissa Looseley.
Vance of Cooling Road, Strood, who is also awaiting sentence at the crown court for another vicious attack, denied three counts of assault by beating but was found guilty of the offences after a trial in September.

His sentencing was adjourned for an all options pre-sentencing report to be prepared and he returned to Medway Magistrates’ Court on November 21 to hear his fate.
Lucy Fish, prosecuting said: “He was found guilty of the offences at trial and the facts are that the victims had been on a night out in Rochester and bumped into an old friend, Mr Vance.”
The prosecutor added at the end of the night the group invited Vance back to their home for more drinks but things then turned sour.
She added: “He said something to one of the women and it was of a sexual nature and he was asked to leave.
However, he then hit Ms Barnard on the back of the head multiple times and then Mr Cree stepped in to split them up and he was punched in the face by the defendant.
“Ms Looseley then stood between them and her face was pushed back as the melee ensued.

“It was a prolonged incident and repeated force but their injuries were minor.
“He is also awaiting sentence at crown court after being convicted of grievous bodily harm which happened in 2023 and he also has a previous conviction for battery.”
Simon Holmes, defending, told the court his client couldn’t remember the incident.
He added: “He has issues with alcohol and is violent under the influence and is prone to bursts of violence.
“In his adolescence, he had behavioural issues, he’s got ADHD and it’s a common thread of his issues.
“He has issues with alcohol and anger and has made a referral to his GP about his anger issues as he’s had no help from probation since 2015, but the rehabilitation sessions (suggested in the pre-sentencing report), will deal with that.
“He binge drinks, but he has a new partner now and she is older than him, he’s 30 and she’s 48 and has been a stabilising influence on him, she runs a tight ship and he has drastically reduced his alcohol consumption.
“He works at Tesco picking and packing and earns between £22k and £26k a year, and pays £700 a month for his children.”
Magistrates decided to place Vance on an 18-month community order which will see him carry out 150 hours of unpaid work, attend 30 rehabilitation sessions and wear an alcohol abstinence monitoring tag for 120 days.
He was also ordered to pay £650 court costs, a victim surcharge of £114 and £100 compensation to all three of his victims.
Vance will pay what he owes the court at a rate of £100 a month.