In order to attract the best talent, most companies know that they will need to offer an attractive employee benefit package. From holiday allowance to savings schemes, there are plenty of options to consider.
But what about sabbatical leave?
Sabbatical leave is where an employee takes a period of time away from work, either paid or unpaid, to undertake personal or professional development or projects.
It’s better-known across the pond. But plenty of “big name” companies in the UK now offer sabbaticals as standard parts of their policies. Let’s take a look at some of them.
1. Deloitte
- Is it paid or unpaid? Both
Global financial services company, Deloitte, offers two sabbatical leave programmes for employees to choose from.
Employees can undertake a one-month unpaid sabbatical for any reason or a three – six month sabbatical to pursue personal or professional growth in either career development or volunteering.
If Deloitte employees opt for the three – six month option, then they will receive 40% of their salary while on sabbatical leave.
2. Monzo
- Is it paid or unpaid? Both
Back in 2022, British bank, Monzo, introduced an extended paid sabbatical leave programme to complement the one-month sabbatical option that was already available.
Monzo employees can take one month of unpaid sabbatical leave per year, but those who have been in their roles for four years or more can now take a three-month paid sabbatical too.
Employees who choose to take the three-month sabbatical option can take the leave in one block or one month at a time throughout the year. There’s also no requirement for how you spend the leave, meaning employees can use it to upskill, travel or spend time with family.
3. PayPal
- Is it paid or unpaid? Paid
Workers at PayPal are eligible to take a four-week, paid sabbatical once they have worked for the company for five years.
Employees who wish to make use of the sabbatical leave will get full pay for those four weeks, and can use the time to do whatever they want.
One requirement however is that employees must take the sabbatical leave within 12 months of becoming eligible.
4. McDonalds
- Is it paid or unpaid? Paid
Corporate staff at McDonalds receive various employee benefits including the opportunity to take eight weeks of paid sabbatical leave.
McDonalds operates a “no questions asked” sabbatical leave programme, meaning staff can use the leave to do whatever they want and receive their full salary.
To be eligible, however, employees must have worked at the company for 10 years.
5. Microsoft
- Is it paid or unpaid? Paid
Tech giants, Microsoft, offer a sabbatical leave programme to employees. However, there are various requirements that staff must meet first in order to be eligible.
For starters, the programme is only open to staff who have worked for the company for 10 years or more, and staff must reach a certain employee level grading before they can take the leave.
Employees who are eligible can take eight weeks’ paid sabbatical leave to embark on personal or professional projects and development.
6. Adobe
- Is it paid or unpaid? Paid
Employees at Adobe can take paid sabbatical leave once they have worked at the company for a set number of years. How much sabbatical leave a worker is entitled to depends on how long they’ve been with the company.
Staff who have worked at Adobe for five years are entitled to four weeks, those who have been there for 10 years get five weeks, and those who have worked for the company for 15 years can take six weeks.
Employees on sabbatical leave will receive their full salary and benefits package and the leave must be taken in one block.
7. Bank of America
- Is it paid or unpaid? Paid
Bank of America offers a sabbatical leave programme for its UK employees. However, there are various requirements that employees will need to meet in order to be eligible.
Employees can take between 4-6 weeks of paid sabbatical leave every five years, however they must first have worked for the company for at least 15 years.
Sabbatical leave can be taken twice in an employee’s career with Bank of America.
Final thoughts
Sabbatical leave can be beneficial for employees and employers alike. It offers employees a greater work-life balance, and the chance to undertake personal projects that enhance their wellbeing.
When they return to the workplace they are likely to feel rejuvenated, engaged and productive, all things that will boost your business. Many workers choose to undertake upskilling and professional development during sabbaticals too, meaning they return with new skills and experience to apply to their roles – a major asset.
It’s not just sabbaticals that you should consider either, there are tons of employee perks you can introduce to boost staff engagement and morale and better retain your talent, and these are unpacked in the links enclosed.
So, now you know…we can see those job applications going off already!

With 10 years experience in the digital marketing industry, Lucy is a content writer specialising in ecommerce, website building and all things small business. Her passion is breaking down tricky topics into digestible and engaging content for readers. She’s also committed to uncovering the best platforms, tools, and strategies, researching meticulously to providing hand-on tips and advice.