A total of 251 spaces are being reserved for the upcoming school year – beginning next August.
Reasons for certain schools needing to reserve the slots include having a catchment area waiting list, the pupil roll exceeding capacity within seven years and a number of late enrolments.
The maximum number of spaces – 10 – are being put aside in Lorne Street Primary, Riverbank Primary, St Bartholomew’s Primary, St Francis Primary and Wallacewell Primary.
Councillors approved the number of spaces to be saved at each school at a recent city administration committee meeting.
Outlining the impacts of the reserved spaces policy, a council report presented to the committee said: “The use of reserved places will ensure that families moving into the catchment area midterm will have a realistic opportunity to place their child at their catchment school.”
It added: “The use of reserved spaces will support the management of the education estate and the supply and demand of school places across the city.
“The council will not have to provide transportation to a non-catchment area school in circumstances whereby the catchment area school is full and unable to accommodate the child.”