Eastbourne Airbourne once again took over the skies above the South Coast as the Red Arrows wowed onlookers with soaring manoeuvres and their trademark colourful display.
The airshow opened on Thursday to celebrate its 30th year as the popular RAF display team also celebrated 60 years of flying.
Red Arrows at Airbourne 2024 (Image: EDDIE MITCHELL)
Milly Gilpin, 56, who watched on as the Red Arrows swooped and flipped in the sky, said: “I think it’s very good.
Read More: Updates as thousands descend on Eastbourne Airbourne for Red Arrows
“They are great, the Red Arrows are the best for sure. They are so colourful and synchronised.
“I think the airshow is very patriotic. It’s a lovely day for it.”
The Red Arrows at Airbourne 2024 (Image: EDDIE MITCHELL)
Airbourne started today and takes over the seafront by Western Lawns throughout the weekend.
The airshow is celebrating a belated 30th anniversary after its displays in 2020 and 2021 were cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Red Arrows at Airbourne 2024 (Image: EDDIE MITCHELL)
The Red Arrows are the first of dozens of planes to take to the skies over the next few days.
The airshow is one of the biggest events in the calendar for Eastbourne and attracts thousands to the town every year.
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