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Gillingham’s 2024/25 Captaincy Decision Pending: Manager Mark Bonner Hasn’t Decided

Gillingham’s Captain for the Upcoming Season Still to Be Decided, Says Manager Mark Bonner

Gillingham’s captain for the 2024/25 season remains undetermined, according to manager Mark Bonner.

While Max Ehmer has worn the captain’s armband during pre-season matches, no official decision has been made regarding the role.

Gillingham manager Mark Bonner is still deciding on the team’s captaincy
Picture: Barry Goodwin

Ehmer served as captain for much of the previous season after club captain Shaun Williams was sidelined following Neil Harris’ departure.

Tim Dieng and Conor Masterson have also worn the armband during the summer.

When asked about the captaincy decision, Bonner stated, “No decision has been made yet. I haven’t discussed the captaincy with any player.

“It’s been rotated a few times, with Max wearing it last season and throughout pre-season. I plan to discuss it with the players in the coming week.

“I’m currently focused on observing them, understanding their responses on match days, and evaluating their leadership qualities. I want to identify who naturally emerges as a leader.”

Max Ehmer has been the captain for much of Gillingham’s pre-season
Picture: Keith Gillard

Bonner outlined his criteria for choosing a captain: “First and foremost, the player must be good enough and likely to feature regularly.

“Experience and vocal presence are beneficial, but there isn’t a single archetype of a captain I prefer. Leadership comes in many forms, and some excellent leaders don’t need the armband.

“Sometimes the role of captain is overemphasized, but it can also be crucial. Ultimately, we need more personalities, leaders, and voices in the team to develop the character I want to see on the pitch.”Gillingham manager Mark Bonner has yet to make a decision on a captain Picture: Barry Goodwin

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