Brighton and Hove City Council switched the recycling site in St Ann’s Well Gardens, Hove, to the other side of the park because of “access problems”.
Hundreds of residents have taken no notice of the red warning sign at the former recycling site in Nizells Avenue and left their trees there anyway.
People could be fined £50,000 fine for getting rid of their trees incorrectly – but the council said it will not be taking any action this time.
The council collects trees free of charge from 22 designated sites across the city and recycles them.
Trees piling up outside Furze Hill, at the designated collection point (Image: Andrew Gardner / The Argus)
Until now the St Ann’s Well site was alongside Nizells Avenue but this time it was moved to the other side of the park, near Furze Hill.
The council made residents aware of the change on its website and through the red sign in Nizells Avenue.
A council spokesman said: “We review our Christmas tree recycling sites every year to try and find ways of improving the service.
“The former Nizells Avenue collection site was relocated to Furze Hill because the collection vehicles had some problems accessing the trees last year.
A potted tree left at the old collection point (Image: Andrew Gardner / The Argus)
“When we relocate such sites we always put up signage at the old site to let residents know and to direct them to the nearest one available.”
The sign at the old site warned people they could be liable for a maximum £50,000 fine for flytipping and that leaving trees there would be a criminal offence.
The warning sign at Nizells Avenue (Image: Andrew Gardner / The Argus)
The council has now said it will not issue any fines for trees left in Nizells Avenue and a special collection will be made there.
The spokesman said: “In this instance we are arranging for the trees at both sites to be picked up, but we very much hope that residents will follow the signs next year and use the correct collection site.”
Every tree is turned into soil turnover or compost, and they can be left at one of the sites until January 22.
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